Fake: Ukrainians Asked To Contribute to Repaying National Debt on Diya App

Ukrainian citizens were not offered to pay the state debt in the app of public services Diya. In a comment to StopFake, the press service of the Ukrainian Digital Transformation Ministry stated that they never sent such messages.
Title: Fake: Ukrainians Asked To Contribute to Repaying National Debt on Diya App
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-ukrainians-asked-to-contribute-to-repaying-national-debt-on-diya-app/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: November 13, 2023

Ukrainian citizens were not offered to pay the state debt in the app of public services Diya. In a comment to StopFake, the press service of the Ukrainian Digital Transformation Ministry stated that they never sent such messages.