Title: | Fake: Ukrainians Demand Ransom from the Deceased Hamas Hostage’s Family |
URL: | https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-ukrainians-demand-ransom-from-the-deceased-hamas-hostage-s-family/ |
Publisher: | StopFake.org |
Date published: | November 3, 2023 |
Description: | There is no police investigation claiming that the family of Shani Louk, who was killed by Hamas, received ransom calls from Ukraine. Neither the German media WDR, cited by the propagandists, nor any other credible sources published such news. Propaganda used the signature style of the German media to justify Hamas and denigrate Ukraine. |
Fake: Ukrainians Demand Ransom from the Deceased Hamas Hostage’s Family
There is no police investigation claiming that the family of Shani Louk, who was killed by Hamas, received ransom calls from Ukraine. Neither the German media WDR, cited by the propagandists, nor any other credible sources published such news. Propaganda used the signature style of the German media to justify Hamas and denigrate Ukraine.