Fake: Ukrainians Сriticize Passengers of Sunken Titan Bathyscraper Says Al Jazeera

The international television company Al Jazeera denied the information that this story was created by its correspondents. A spokesperson for the TV company said that the video, as well as the information in it, is fake and was fabricated by a third party.

Title: Fake: Ukrainians Сriticize Passengers of Sunken Titan Bathyscraper Says Al Jazeera
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-ukrainians-sriticize-passengers-of-sunken-titan-bathyscraper-says-al-jazeera/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: June 25, 2023

The international television company Al Jazeera denied the information that this story was created by its correspondents. A spokesperson for the TV company said that the video, as well as the information in it, is fake and was fabricated by a third party.