Title: | Fake: US General Called F-16 Fighters Useless for the Armed Forces |
URL: | https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-us-general-called-f-16-fighters-useless-for-the-armed-forces/ |
Publisher: | StopFake.org |
Date published: | August 24, 2023 |
Description: | The US Air Force in Europe and Africa commander James Hecker did not call F-16 useless for Ukraine. The general noted that American fighter jets will provide additional capabilities to the Armed Forces on the battlefield, but will not be a panacea in the fight against the invaders. |
Fake: US General Called F-16 Fighters Useless for the Armed Forces
The US Air Force in Europe and Africa commander James Hecker did not call F-16 useless for Ukraine. The general noted that American fighter jets will provide additional capabilities to the Armed Forces on the battlefield, but will not be a panacea in the fight against the invaders.