Fake: Volyn Region Urgently Drafting Medical Staff to the Frontline

In response to StopFake's information request, the director of the multidisciplinary Rozhyshche hospital Viktor Redziy said that they had not received any orders to send medical staff to the frontline.

Title: Fake: Volyn Region Urgently Drafting Medical Staff to the Frontline
URL: https://www.stopfake.org/en/fake-volyn-region-urgently-drafting-medical-staff-to-the-frontline/
Publisher: StopFake.org
Date published: September 5, 2023

In response to StopFake’s information request, the director of the multidisciplinary Rozhyshche hospital Viktor Redziy said that they had not received any orders to send medical staff to the frontline.