How the Frenchman Adrien Bocquet Whitewashed Russian War Crimes in Bucha

During the second half of April 2022, when Bocquet claimed to be in Ukraine, military operations were no longer taking place in Bucha, nor were any Russian soldiers being taken prisoner. The town was occupied by Russian troops from the end of February to April 1. That evening saw the first reports with videos showing dead bodies on its streets. That is, Adrien Bocquet could not have been in Bucha to observe "neo-Nazis committing war crimes."

Title: How the Frenchman Adrien Bocquet Whitewashed Russian War Crimes in Bucha
Date published: July 5, 2022

During the second half of April 2022, when Bocquet claimed to be in Ukraine, military operations were no longer taking place in Bucha, nor were any Russian soldiers being taken prisoner. The town was occupied by Russian troops from the end of February to April 1. That evening saw the first reports with videos showing dead bodies on its streets. That is, Adrien Bocquet could not have been in Bucha to observe “neo-Nazis committing war crimes.”