Title: | No, Russia didn’t capture a US Patriot missile launcher to give to China |
URL: | https://observers.france24.com/en/no-russia-didn-t-capture-an-american-patriot-missile-launcher-to-give-to-china |
Publisher: | France 24, The Observers (France 24) |
Date published: | May 30, 2024 |
Description: | Did Russia really capture a bunch of US missiles in Ukraine and give them to China? No, but posts featuring that bit of fake news have been garnering thousands of views on social media since May 13. Many of these posts feature a photo said to show these missiles in China. While the photo was indeed taken in China, it actually shows a non-operational replica of these missiles, according to military experts interviewed by our team. |
No, Russia didn’t capture a US Patriot missile launcher to give to China
Did Russia really capture a bunch of US missiles in Ukraine and give them to China? No, but posts featuring that bit of fake news have been garnering thousands of views on social media since May 13. Many of these posts feature a photo said to show these missiles in China. While the photo was indeed taken in China, it actually shows a non-operational replica of these missiles, according to military experts interviewed by our team.