No, this military choir in Russia was not arrested for singing anti-war songs

Posts shared online claim to show members of a Russian military choir being arrested for singing anti-war songs. Although Russian President Vladimir Putin has indeed cracked down on people spreading "false information" about the war in Ukraine, leading to many people's arrests, this video is not an example of that. In fact, it shows an incident from 2015 when the choir performed a song from a James Bond film.

Title: No, this military choir in Russia was not arrested for singing anti-war songs
Publisher: France 24
Date published: March 18, 2022

Posts shared online claim to show members of a Russian military choir being arrested for singing anti-war songs. Although Russian President Vladimir Putin has indeed cracked down on people spreading “false information” about the war in Ukraine, leading to many people’s arrests, this video is not an example of that. In fact, it shows an incident from 2015 when the choir performed a song from a James Bond film.