This video shows a TikTok creator using a green screen, not a protester interrupting a TV show

An image of a woman apparently bursting onto a TV set has been shared hundreds of times in posts claiming she crashed a Ukrainian news broadcast to urge President Volodymyr Zelensky to "surrender". However, the picture was taken from a video made by a TikTok creator using a green screen. The original news broadcast shows no interruption from a protester.

Title: This video shows a TikTok creator using a green screen, not a protester interrupting a TV show
Publisher: AFP
Date published: April 6, 2022

An image of a woman apparently bursting onto a TV set has been shared hundreds of times in posts claiming she crashed a Ukrainian news broadcast to urge President Volodymyr Zelensky to “surrender”. However, the picture was taken from a video made by a TikTok creator using a green screen. The original news broadcast shows no interruption from a protester.