‘WarTok’: TikTok’s role in Ukraine information war marred by fake news – Truth or Fake

The video-sharing app TikTok has become a tool in the hybrid war in Ukraine, but fake news and scams connected to the conflict also abound on the platform. We take a closer look in this edition of Truth or Fake.

Title: ‘WarTok’: TikTok’s role in Ukraine information war marred by fake news – Truth or Fake
URL: https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/truth-or-fake/20220303-wartok-tiktok-s-role-in-the-information-war-marred-by-fake-news
Publisher: France 24
Date published: March 3, 2022

The video-sharing app TikTok has become a tool in the hybrid war in Ukraine, but fake news and scams connected to the conflict also abound on the platform. We take a closer look in this edition of Truth or Fake.