What’s behind this fake advert calling on North Africans to fight in Ukraine to get EU citizenship

Since May 21, a number of posts online have been claiming that an advertisement posted on the British jobs website Adzuna offers proof that Western countries are recruiting mercenaries in Africa and the Middle East to go and fight in Ukraine. However, we investigated and determined that this post isn't real.

Title: What’s behind this fake advert calling on North Africans to fight in Ukraine to get EU citizenship
URL: https://observers.france24.com/en/europe/20230530-what-s-behind-this-fake-advert-calling-on-north-africans-to-fight-in-ukraine-to-get-eu-citizenship
Publisher: France 24
Date published: May 30, 2023

Since May 21, a number of posts online have been claiming that an advertisement posted on the British jobs website Adzuna offers proof that Western countries are recruiting mercenaries in Africa and the Middle East to go and fight in Ukraine. However, we investigated and determined that this post isn’t real.