Zelenskyy wasn’t talking about Ukraine war when he said U.S. would send ‘sons and daughters’

A video clip of Ukraine's president is going viral, with some on social media claiming Zelenskyy said the U.S. would send soldiers to fight in Ukraine. That's false.

Title: Zelenskyy wasn’t talking about Ukraine war when he said U.S. would send ‘sons and daughters’
URL: https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/world-verify/ukraine-verify/zelenskyy-ukraine-america-troops-war-video-fact-check/536-68db842f-250f-472c-a5f4-c8894607627d
Publisher: VERIFY
Date published: March 3, 2023

A video clip of Ukraine’s president is going viral, with some on social media claiming Zelenskyy said the U.S. would send soldiers to fight in Ukraine. That’s false.